Responsible for the content of this website and our content network (information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law, §14 Corporate Code or §63 Trade Regulation Act and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act):

Mag. med. vet. Theresa Schmid
Veterinary practice in Klagenfurt
Phone: 0463 913330
Mobile: 0676 9103086
Rennplatz 2 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

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General information

Please note that our terms of use and our privacy policy apply to the use of our website. By using our offers, you agree to our terms of use. In the event that the contributions or information selected or created by us to the best of our knowledge are incorrect or erroneous, we assume no liability. All information is provided to the best of our knowledge, but without guarantee.

No reprints, copies or recordings in electronic media may be made or distributed without written permission. No liability exists for technical problems and performance disruptions as well as damage to software and devices of the user. Note on gender-neutral formulation: All personal formulations in the text refer to female and male persons, even if it is not written out in the text. Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: Alternatively, a settlement can be made through arbitration for consumer transactions. You can also submit your complaint directly to us via our contact form.

Terms of use

By using our websites, you agree to the terms of use. The use of our websites is FREE! By accessing our websites, you agree to the following conditions. If you do not agree to these conditions, you are not authorized to use the website. By writing an article, contribution, question or comment (“content”), the author agrees to the publication of the work on our website without time limit. A subsequent revocation of this consent is not possible. We reserve the right not to publish content, to edit it or to delete it permanently.

The contents of our websites are legally protected. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Reproductions of the contents in whole form are prohibited without the prior written consent of the site owner. Individual documents or photos may be subject to additional conditions, which are indicated in the documents. The purpose of our websites is to draw visitors’ attention to interesting offers from us. As “visitors” all persons who use our websites are considered, whether to inform themselves about content or for other reasons.


The website and its contents are provided to you for use. The contents are provided in their current form and in their present state. The site owner does not guarantee that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free. The site owner reserves the right to change the pages at any time or to block access to them. No warranty of any kind is assumed, either express or implied.

The site owner is not liable for direct, indirect, incidental or special damages or consequential damages, for lost profits or for business interruptions resulting from the use of this service (or the impossibility of using these services). By sending material to one of our used servers (e.g. by e-mail or directly), you agree that this material does not contain anything that is unlawful or otherwise unsuitable for publication – you have made reasonable efforts to examine the material for viruses before sending it and have removed any viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties found – you are the owner of the material or you have the unrestricted right to send it to the site owner, and that the site owner may publish the material free of charge and/or incorporate the material or concepts described therein into our products without liability – and you will not take action against us with regard to the material you have submitted, and you will indemnify us if a third party should take action against us with regard to the material you have submitted.

The site owner does not check and cannot check all content that originates from users and is not responsible for such content. The site owner can remove the content that originates from users at any time at his own discretion. The site owner is not liable for content, completeness and accuracy of the transmitted data or content. The site owner also reserves the right to change the information offer if necessary. All publications are made without regard to any possible patent protection, also trademarks and trademarks are used without guarantee of a free use (these are subject to the provisions of the respective valid trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners). The mere mention does not imply that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties!

No liability can be assumed for errors in the content and their consequences. If one of the graphics or images is marked with a ‘copyright’, we ask you to inform us via e-mail. Of course we will remove this graphic(s) and picture(s) from the website immediately! If there is the possibility to enter personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses) within the website, the disclosure of these data by the user is expressly voluntary.

Opinions and statements in articles that are marked by name by freelance authors are their personal opinion and are their responsibility. For all external links (direct or indirect references to external websites) on this website, the following applies: It is expressly emphasized that the site owner has no influence on the design, content and authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, the site owner hereby expressly distances himself from all contents of all externally linked pages that violate the Basic Law, the legal system of Austria and the EU or morality. This declaration applies to all links attached and to all contents of the pages to which links lead. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, only the provider of the page to which reference was made is liable, not the one who merely refers to the respective publication via links. Furthermore, a link to a website that does not belong to the site owner does not mean that the site owner recommends the website or the products or services displayed there.

We hereby expressly distance ourselves from the content of the linked pages. All prices that may be published on our pages are not binding, but serve only as a price orientation!

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